How to Become a Forex Introducing Broker (IB)
There are various benefits of being an Introducing Broker (IB). Mostly, the financial benefits of being an IB lure many people to try their hand into this lucrative field. Who is best suited to become an IB? This field is open to anyone who has the ability to get clients who can trade in the financial market. However, people with knowledge in the financial market, specifically online trading, are in a better position to become Introducing Brokers . This is because they know what it takes for a person to make successful online trades. This knowledge is important in convincing clients. How do you become a forex IB? If you have knowledge of forex trading, you are the right person to become a forex IB and enjoy the lucrative commissions offered by online forex trading companies. You will only need to follow a few steps to become a fully-fledged forex IB. Identify a reliable online forex trading company with an Introducing Broker Program The first step is to identify a reliable...